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Relaxing Rain for a Deep Sleep - Music for Relaxation 12 Hours

Relaxing Rain for a Deep Sleep - Music for Relaxation 12 Hours

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📻 Relaxing Rain for a Deep Sleep - Music for Relaxation 12 Hours

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Distribution and use of rain

The rain, in its fall, is distributed in an irregular way: one part will be used for plants, another part will make the river flows increase by means of ravines and run-offs which, in turn, will increase the reserves of swamps and reservoirs, and another part will infiltrate through the soil, and, running through areas of more or less porous texture, will form underground streams that will either end up in natural deposits with clay walls and bottoms and constitute so-called natural deposits or wells (sometimes forming fossil deposits or aquifers, when water is accumulated during geological periods with a wetter climate), or will eventually flow into the sea. The last part will evaporate before reaching the surface by the action of heat.

The dimensions of a river basin are very varied, especially when it comes to studies covering a large area. It is common for several rainfall stations to be located in the same area. Some of the following procedures are used to determine the rainfall in the basin in a given period: arithmetic method, Thiessen polygons or other interpolations, and the isoyet method.

🖼️ Imagen de Comfreak en Pixabay :

🙋‍♂️ Assembly and Editing By Me : Mimoun Kaddouri Reyes = DJ TheMunSession

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